upcoming continuing education

Perinatal Narratives: Empowering Stories in Maternal Wellness


  • This workshop is a comprehensive clinical Continuing Education Unit (CEU) designed for mental health professionals seeking to deepen their expertise in narrative therapy within the perinatal context. This course offers an immersive exploration of advanced narrative therapy techniques, focusing on empowering clients through their perinatal journey and fostering maternal wellness.

    Through this CEU, clinicians will gain a robust understanding of how to utilize narrative therapy to support women during the perinatal period, addressing the unique challenges and transitions that come with motherhood. The course emphasizes the creation of empowering narratives that foster resilience, self-efficacy, and well-being in clients, enabling them to author their own stories of strength and transformation.

ethical considerations: black + brown perinatal population


  • This workshop aims to deepen the understanding of ethical practices in perinatal care, specifically tailored to the needs of Black and Brown communities. By incorporating trauma-informed and perspectives of cultural humility, attendees will explore sensitive, yet crucial aspects of care, emphasizing respect, empathy, and inclusivity. The workshop will offer a mix of interactive discussions, case studies, and expert insights, equipping participants with practical tools and ethical frameworks.