all relationships take work, especially the one with yourself

online therapy for black women & women of color

Are you ready to rediscover and rebuild a deep connection with yourself?

if you're a millennial woman of color, you've been on an emotional rollercoaster of life changes and "what could've been." You've achieved some things but still wrestle with self-doubt, questioning, "Is this all there is?"

Imagine a life where you….

• Experience profound joy that resonates within you.

• Trust in your decisions with unwavering confidence.

• Live freely, unburdened by self-imposed pressures.

• Foster genuine, fulfilling relationships that truly align with your values.

• Gain a deeper understanding of your body and emotions.

• Cultivate a quiet, yet powerful confidence.

• Embrace a life marked by ease, peace, and serenity.

• Live with a sense of purpose and meaning that truly reflects who you are.

Working together, we will focus on…

• reconnecting with your body

• Mapping out actionable steps towards achieving your aspirations.

• Identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs that constrain you.

• Shifting mindsets that limit your growth.

• Recognizing and understanding your true needs.

• Developing effective strategies for processing your emotions.

• Building a foundation of solid self-belief.

• Cultivating and internalizing self-compassion.

• Discovering and embracing true joy in every aspect of your life.

By engaging in this journey, you will find yourself….

• Deeply connected to your life’s aspirations and desires.

  • more connected to your body

  • able to express your needs confidently, without the guilt

• Exuding confidence and self-assurance.

• Aware and proactive against negative self-talk and limiting beliefs.

• Hopeful and optimistic about a future built on self-belief.

• Living joyfully, making time for what truly matters to you.

• Motivated by kindness and self-compassion, rather than criticism.

• Empowered with a comprehensive emotional toolbox.

• able to trust yourself

this journey we're embarking on? It's all about you. Your needs, your goals, your life. It's not a one-size-fits-all deal. It's tailor-made, customized to fit what you're looking for, what you need to feel that life's meaningful.

I'm here, but not just to hold your hand. I'm here to shine a light on the paths you've been missing, to help you see clearly what you truly need, what makes your life tick. Whether it's your career, your relationships, your health – you name it, we're diving into it. Together, we'll dig up those beliefs holding you back, lurking in the shadows of your mind.

But here's the real talk: this isn't just about identifying problems. It's about shifting how you see the world, your place in it. It's about letting go of what's been dragging you down. And yeah, that means reconnecting to your body, getting curious not just about your thoughts and actions but digging deep to the source.

So, are you ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work? Because this journey, it's about transformation. And it starts with you.

imagine how different things would feel if you could identify & understand who you are and why you do what you do with self-compassion and radical acceptance.

You're here because there's a gap, right? A disconnect from who you truly are. It's a tough spot to be in, feeling like you've lost touch with yourself. Doubting every move, questioning your worth, feeling like there's a piece of you... missing. Sound familiar?

Let's cut to the chase: I get it. And I'm not just saying that. I've been there – where you're unsure if you can trust your own thoughts, where liking yourself feels like a distant dream. But here's the thing: it's not just about finding what's missing. It's about reconnecting with your core, your heart, your authentic self.

This is where I step in. Think of me as your guide through this journey. We're not just talking about a cozy, nurturing space here – though it is that. It's a space where you can truly open up, dig deep, and get real about how you feel about where you're at right now. It's about meeting yourself where you are, flaws and all, and greeting that person with understanding and acceptance.

Why? Because that's your starting line. From there, you can begin to build – step by step – towards the changes you want to make in your life. It's not just about filling a void; it's about transforming it into your strength. So, are you ready to take that first step? Let's do this together.

what’s next?

STEP 1: Reach out to schedule a consultation to see if we are a good fit.

STEP 2: After the consultation, we will book our first appointment. At the first appointment, I will ask some questions to get to know you and see how to best help you. We will work together to come up with goals that you want to work on during therapy and decide on how often.

STEP 3: with an open mind + intentional action you’ll start your journey to gaining confidence in who you are so you feel seen, heard, & celebrated